We will not have service Thurs. July 4th so that time can be spent with families and friends in observance of July 4th. We hope that everyone enjoys this time as we all celebrate the freedom that God has given us in this great nation.
Sister Ginger Riggins will be speaking on Friday 5th at 7pm. Sister Ginger is a powerful speaker and we will have special music for the service.
Evangelist Doug Duncan will be speaking on Saturday 6th at 7pm. Oh My Brother Doug is an outstanding young Evangelist on fire for Jesus Christ. Tommy Hodge will be doing the singing.
Both services will be streamed live at www.streets4god.com. While it is great to be able to watch the service live on the internet there is nothing like experiencing what God is doing at The Streets like being with us in person. God bless and we hope to see you at The Streets.