Brother Don Taylor will be speaking Thursday April 17th at 7pm. Marsha Marie Hodge, Leslie Smith Sexton and Dreama Umberger will be singing.
On Friday 18th we will be feeding the homeless at 5pm. Friday is Youth Night and we will be showing the movie Left Behind Part 2 at 7pm. We will be serving the same meal after the movie also.
Pastor Harry Gunter will be speaking on Saturday 19th at 7pm. Leslie Smith Sexton, Marsha Marie Hodge and others will be singing.
We hope that you can come and be with us this weekend and enjoy these dynamic Evangelistic Services. Also we hope that you can come and be a part of serving the meal for our dear homeless friends. You can always come as you are and wear what you have at The Streets. Come expecting a blessing.
We will live be live streaming the the services Thursday and Saturday and on Friday we will live stream the service up until time to start the movie. You can also view the service on YouTube after it is uploaded.
The Street Team would like to wish everyone a Happy Easter and if God is not the Lord of your life what better time than now could you ask for to give your heart to Christ and let Him be the Lord of your life.
God bless you, we love you and we hope to see you at The Streets!