Oh My what a powerful weekend it was!!!
Rev. Sonny Honaker started it off with an awesome message on Thursday as Tonya white and her son Issac White did the singing.
Friday night Pastor Todd Garwood brought another awesome message as the Silent Praise Team from Freedom Fellowsip did two Drama’s along with Mitch Akers, Shirley Ridpath and Charity Richardson singing.
Then came Saturday with the Bus Mission Fundraiser and WOW what a day!!! The Chicken Bus rolled in first and filled the air with the great aroma of Barbecued Chicken and Faun Hutchinson, her husband Tim and their daughter Daphne did the Hot Dogs, Deserts and Drinks. The Silent Auction went on inside as the Concert was going on outside. God blessed us with just enough showers to keep it cooled off a bit.
Right there on the parking lot , right in the middle of downtown Pulaski group after group as far away as Pennsylvania to Tennessee WORSHIPED our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as the crowd joined in giving praise and honor to the Lord with outstretched hands, singing, shouting and jumping with joy for 5 1/2 hrs.! Tommy Hodge, Terry and Becky Odum, Curtis Ray Hagy of Brothers Forever, Jack and Ruth Scott of The Singing Scott’s, Jon Gray of Frontline Gospel, Ignite Youth Group, All Came As One, Evangelists James and Jennifer McMickin, and All For Jesus were all super fantastic!
The precious young teenage girl turned it all over to Jesus Christ claiming Him as her Lord and Savior. MANY seeds were planted as God’s Word bellowed out from street to street and through the live broadcast by Kathy and Larry Nipper of WBLB radio station. A beautiful rainbow crossed the sky as the praise was lifted up resounding higher and higher like thunder. God gave us the generator that we so desperately needed to carry out the mission that He is taking us to in the next level of our ministry.
We want to thank everyone that took part in any and every way and worked so hard to get the entire weekend accomplished. Also we want to thank all those that came out to support us. We give God ALL the praise and ALL the glory!!!