There will be NO SERVICE Friday October 18th at Taking It To The Streets Ministries. We will be attending the Benefit for Paul, Alicia and Alaina Robertson ( Paul Roberttson ) with Jason Crabb.
On Saturday morning October 19th we will be having our Food / Clothing Event from 11 am until 1 pm. We will be serving Free Chili Beans, Grilled Cheese, Dessert and Drinks. Also the Clothing Bank will be open with Free Men’s, Women’s, Boys and Girls Clothing.
On Saturday evening October 19th at 7 pm Pastor Charlie Barbettini will be bringing the message “Save The Children”. Tommy Hodge ( Joyce Hodge ) and Doris Hagerman will be singing.
Everyone is welcome and invited to attend this powerful Dynamic Evangelistic Service and the Food / Clothing Event.
We will be live streaming the service at, on YouTube and on Facebook.
We’re looking forward to seeing you at The Streets this weekend!