Pastor Charlie Barbettini will be speaking at Taking It To The Streets Ministries Friday May 22nd at 7 pm. Doris Hagerman will be singing.
Pastor Todd Garwood will be speaking on Saturday night May 23rd at 7 pm and for The Sunday Morning Outreach Service on May 24th at 11 am. Joyce Greer will be singing for the Saturday service and Charlie Barbettini will be singing for the Sunday service.
We will be having Free To Go Meals on Saturday the 23rd from 11 am until 1 pm. We will be serving Barbecue, Fries, Dessert and Drinks. The Clothing Bank will remain closed at this time.
We will be live streaming the services at, on YouTube and Facebook.
Everyone is welcome and invited to attend the services and come by for the to go meals.
We pray that you are staying safe and well and we look forward to seeing you at The Streets this weekend!