“The Walk” Was A Total Success For The Glory Of God!

It was a brisk but beautiful morning.  The youth came out to walk along with the adults. The fireman and the one healed from a severe broken leg also came out to walk. The young man carried the cross and the Youth Pastor carried the flag. The drivers drove the vans and the police controlled the traffic. The Gideon passed out the Bibles and the runners came to run.  All in one accord with the same mission…”To Claim The Youth For Jesus Christ.”

It was a day that we shall never forget as passersby blew the horns and people on the roadside shouted encouragement.  I was walking back and forth through the line and had conversation with a group of teenagers.  One of the girls began to tell me that her friend was having a hard time with her parents getting a divorce. She went on to say that she didn’t think that her friend believes in God and it blessed me SO much when she said “I’m going to give her my Bible.”  OH MY the Youth are precious and they’re looking for something real that they can believe in….they’re looking for Christ and they just need our love and our help to show them the way. We know that God TORE down many walls that satan has built around our Youth and we give Him ALL the praise and the glory!

The First Annual Walk was a total success for Jesus Christ!  We want to thank everyone that took part in any way whatsoever rather by donations, prayer, passing out Bibles, the media, drivers, police, the walkers and the runners. Most of all we want to thank God for sending His Son Jesus Christ to die for our sins and for anointing The Walk from beginning to end.  God bless each and everyone of you and we love you all!


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One Response to “The Walk” Was A Total Success For The Glory Of God!

  1. Barbara Murphy says:

    Wow what a Awesome day that was i praise God that i was able to say I particapatied in this walk. When we started out i said Lord i want to finish this walk for your Glory and to bring our youth to you. My husband Cecil and I both finished the 4.2miles we give God all the Glory for giving us the strength. May God continue to bring the Youth in we are very proud of everyone that supported this walk. God Bless each one!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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