Thursday night Street Minister Charlie Barbettini brought the message “can you still hear His voice” as Tommy Hodge and Terry Odum did the singing. Friday night Rev. Randy Pickett spoke on “what voice are you listening to” as Leslie Sexton and Dreama Umberger did the singing. Then on Saturday night Rev. Curtis Howell delivered the message about “hell and breaking the chains” as his wife Wanda Howell did the singing.
Saturdays Back To School event was a TOTAL success for the glory of God! Parents and children had been lining up outside since 10am as we prepared for the 11am start time. Many haircuts were given non-stop till 2pm. All the workers were very busy giving out Back To School Supplies, Clothing, Subs, Chips and Drinks. Many people asked for us to pray with them.
We had prayed that God would have complete control and that His Spirit would touch the hearts and minister to the needs of all that came…and OH MY did He ever do that…all the way through the entire weekend!!!
It is very difficult to thank everyone that helped in so many ways to make this such a success by name for fear of leaving someone out but THANK YOU ALL so much!
Above all we thank You Dear God for blessing these services and this event and for allowing us to be used by You to show Your love to so many precious people!!!