Pastor Harry Gunter will be speaking at The Streets on Friday Feb. 9th at 7 pm. It’s been a while since this anointed man of God…Brother Harry Gunter has been with us and we are looking forward to him coming to speak. Kathi Surber will be singing.
Evangelist Don Crockett will be speaking on Saturday Feb. 10th at 7 pm. God is using Brother Don in a powerful way and we always enjoy him coming to speak. Tommy Hodge and Doris Hagerman will be singing.
We are praying that souls will be saved and that people will be healed both at the Ministry and by live feed ( please text in your prayer requests ). Everyone is invited and welcome to attend these Dynamic Evangelistic Services. If you can’t be with us in person you can join us by live streaming at, on Facebook ( Charles Fletcher ) and we will also up to YouTube.
We are praying for a miracle in your life whatever the need is and we want you to know that we love you and we look forward to seeing you at The Streets!