What’s up at The Streets this weekend Thurs. Feb. 25th – Sat. Feb. 27th

Sister (Ginger) Riggins will be speaking on Thursday Feb. 25th at 7 pm. Doris Hagerman will be singing.

Sister Barbara Kidd will be speaking on Friday 26th at 7 pm. Tommy Hodge, Doris Hagerman, Terry and Becky Odum will be singing.

Evangelist Rocky Flinchum will be speaking on Saturday 26th at 7 pm. The group Glory Bound will be doing the music.

Make plans now to join us for all three nights of these dynamic Evangelistic Services. At The Streets you can always come as you are and wear what you have. Come expecting a blessing.

If you can’t join us in person for the services you can join us by live streaming at streets.4god.com and we will also upload to YouTube.

God bless you, we love you and we hope to see you at The Streets this weekend.

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Carr, Pickett, Gregory and Feeding/Clothing Event at The Streets this weekend Thurs. Feb. 18th – Sat. 20th

We are very excited about this weekend at The Streets!

Sister Debbie Carr starts off the weekend on Thurs. Feb. 18th speaking at 7 pm.

Rev. Randy Pickett will be speaking on Fri. 19th at 7 pm.

Saturday 20th starts off early with the Feeding and Clothing Event being held from 11 am until 1 pm. We will be serving Baked Spaghetti, Salad,Garlic Bread, Desert and Drink, also the Clothing Bank will be open with Free Mens, Womens, Boys and Girls clothing. Then at 7 pm Sister Judy Gregory will be speaking.

We will have special music each night.

Make plans now to join us for all three nights of these dynamic Evangelistic Services and join us for our Event on Sat. morning from 11 am until 1 pm.

If you can’t join us in person for the services you can join us by live streaming at streets.4god.com and we will also upload to YouTube.

God bless you, we love you and we hope to see you at The Streets this weekend.

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Services Canceled at The Streets this weekend Thurs. Feb. 11th – Sat. Feb. 13th

Due to the weather forecast we feel that it is best to cancel the services this weekend at The Streets. This was an extremely hard decision to make but considering the forecast and to keep people out of harms way we felt it best to cancel the services.

God bless you all and we look forward to seeing you on Thursday February 18th with Sister Debbie Carr speaking at 7 pm.

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What’s up at The Streets this weekend Thurs Feb. 4th – Sat. Feb. 6th:

We are so excited to have Pastor Harry Gunter back with us from a lenghtly illness speaking on Thursday Feb. 4th at 7 pm. God is healing Brother Harry and his wife and he is fired up and anxious to preach Thursday night!

Friday 5th is Youth Night and Pastor Keith Linkous will be speaking at 7 pm. Brother Leroy Robinson a paraplegic will be sharing his powerful testimony. Brother Leroy was the very first one to participate in the new Drug Court program in Pulaski County. We will be serving Free Snacks and Drinks after the service.

Sister Yvetta Gueste will be speaking on Saturday 6th at 7 pm.

Oh my this is another weekend of powerful anointed speakers and we will have special music each night.

Make plans now to join us for all three of these dynamic Evangelistic Services. Come as you are and wear what you have. Come expecting a blessing.

If you can’t be with us in person you can join us by live streaming at www.streets4god.com and we will also upload to YouTube.

God bless you, we love you and we hope to see you at The Streets this weekend!

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February 2016 Schedule

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Evangelist Todd Garwood all three nights at The Streets plus Feeding and Clothing this weekend Thurs. Jan. 28th – Sat. 30th

Oh My we are so excited to have Evangelist Todd Garwood speaking all three nights at The Streets Thursday Jan. 28th – Saturday 30th at 7 pm each night.

We will have plenty of special singing each night from a great lineup of singers including: Leslie Denise Sexton, Virginia Riggins (Ginger), Doris Hagerman, Shirley Ridpath, Tommy Hodge and Jerry Viars, Don Scott, Charity Richardson, Terry and Becky Odum and Mike Gray Ministries (Mike Gray and Patty Hart Gray).

Also on Saturday Jan. 30th from 11 am – 1 pm we will be serving Free Soup, Sandwich, Desert and Drink. The Clothing Bank will be open with Free Mens, Womens, Boys and Girls clothing.

Make plans to join us for all three nights of these dynamic Evangelistic Services and for our Event on Saturday from 11 am until 1 pm. At The Streets you can always come as you are and wear what you have. Come expecting a blessing.

If you’re not able to be with us in person you can join us live at www.streets4god.com and we will also upload to YouTube.

God bless you, we love you and we hope to see you at The Streets this weekend!

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NO SERVICES at The Streets this weekend Thurs. Jan 21st. – Sat. 23rd. The Warming Station WILL BE OPEN 24 hrs per day Fri. 22nd. – Sun. 24th.

We will NOT be having services Thurs. Jan. 21st, Fri. 22nd and Sat. 23rd due to the extreme weather forecast for heavy snowfall. We encourage everyone to stay home unless you must get out. We will reschedule the speakers for a later date.

Also the Warming Station our ministry for the homeless offering Lodging, Hot Meals, Shower and Clean Clothing WILL BE OPEN 24 hrs per day Fri. 22nd, Sat. 23rd and Sun. 24th due to the weather forecast for heavy snowfall.

Stay safe, stay warm we love you and God does too!

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The McMickins In Concert, Byrd and Barbettini all at The Streets this weekend Thurs. Jan. 14th – Sat. Jan. 16th:

Pastor Don Byrd from Speedwell PH starts off the weekend speaking on Thursday Jan.14th at 7 pm. Brother Byrd will be bringing his Praise & Worship Team led by Mike Gray and Patty Hart Gray.

Evangelists James  McMickin  and his wife Jennifer from Chambersburg Pa will be In Concert Friday 15th at 7 pm bringing the message through Word and song.

Street Minister Charlie Barbettini will be speaking Saturday 16th at 7 pm. Doris Hagerman, Megan Shinault and Shirley Ridpath will be doing the singing.

Make plans now to join us for all three of these dynamic Evangelistic Services. You can always come as you are and wear what you have. Come expecting a blessing.

We will be live streaming all three services at www.streets4god.com and we will also upload to YouTube.

God bless you, we love you and we hope to see you at The Streets this weekend!

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At The Streets This Weekend Thurs Jan. 7th – Sat. Jan. 9th

Sister Barbara Kidd will be speaking at The Streets on Thursday Jan. 7th at 7 pm. Tommy Hodge, Ginger ( Virginia Riggins), Terry and Becky Odum will be singing.

Friday 8th at 7 pm Pastor Dave Scott from Abundant Life COG in Marion Va. will be speaking. Doris Hagerman and Shirley Ridpath will be singing.

On Saturday 9th at 7 pm Rev. Charles Farmer from West Virginia will be speaking. Doris Hagerman and Shirley Ridpath will be singing.

Make plans to join us for all three nights of these dynamic Evangelistic Services. At The Streets you can always come as you are and wear what you have. Come expecting a blessing.

If you’re not able to be with us in person you can join us live atwww.streets4god.com and we will also upload to YouTube.

God bless you, we love you and we hope to see you at The Streets this weekend!

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