Sister Debbie Carr, Father and Son Johnson’s At The Streets This Weekend Thurs. Aug. 13th – Sat. Aug. 15th

Sister Debbie Carr will be speaking on Thursday Aug. 13th at 7 pm.

Pastor Jeff Johnson father of Evan. Jeffery Johnson will be speaking on Friday 14th at 7 pm.

Evangelist Jeffery Johnson will be speaking on Saturday 15th at 7 pm.

We will have special music each night. Make plans now to join us for all three nights of these dynamic Evangelistic Services.  As always you can come as you are and wear what you have. Come expecting a blessing.

We will be live streaming all three services at and we will also upload to YouTube.

God bless you, we love you and we hope to see you at The Streets this weekend!



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Big Weekend At The Streets Thurs. Aug. 6th – Sat. Aug. 8th

Oh My what a big weekend it is at The Streets.

Sister Ginger ….Virginia Riggins will be speaking on Thursday Aug. 6th at 7 pm. Leslie Smith Sexton will be singing.

Mike Gray Ministries (Mike Gray and Patty Hart Gray) will be In Concert doing the entire service on Fri. 7th at 7 pm.

Sat. 8th starts off very early at 9 am with our Back To School Event from 9 am until 12 noon. Starting at 11 am until 1 pm we will have the Clothing Bank open with Free Mens, Womens, Boys and Girls clothing. We will be serving Free Sandwiches, Chips, Desert and Drink. Also we will be doing Free Haircuts. Then at 7 pm Rev. Don…Donald Hackett from Winston Salem NC will be speaking. Katie Bryhanna will be singing.

Make plans now to join us for all three nights of these dynamic Evangelistic Services and for our Special Event on Saturday morning.  As always you can come as you are and wear what you have. Come expecting a blessing.

We will be live streaming all three services at and we will also upload to YouTube.

God bless you, we love you and we hope to see you at The Streets this weekend!



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At The Streets This Weekend Thurs. July 30th – Sat. Aug. 1st

Rev. Don Taylor will start off the weekend speaking at The Streets on Thursday July 30th at 7 pm.

Friday night July 31st it’s Rev. Charles Farmer from West Va. speaking at 7 pm.

On Sat. Aug 1st Sister Barbara Kidd will be speaking at 7 pm.

We will have special music each night.

Make plans now to join us for all three nights of these dynamic Evangelistic Services.  As always you can come as you are and wear what you have. Come expecting a blessing.

We will be live streaming all three services at and we will also upload to YouTube.

God bless you, we love you and we hope to see you at The Streets this weekend!



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Back To School Event and Weekend Schedule

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What’s Going On At The Streets This Weekend Thurs. July 16th – Sat. July 18th

Well this month is certainly rolling by at a rapid pace and God has blessed us with a great month at The Streets.

Sister Judy Gregory starts off this weekend speaking on Thursday July 16th at 7 pm.

On Friday 17th Pastor Doug Duncan will be with us speaking at 7 pm.

Saturday 18th starts off early again with the Clothing Bank being open from 11 am until           1 pm with Free Mens, Womens, Boys and Girls clothing as we serve Free Hot Dogs, Chips, Desert and Drink. Rev. Mike Barnes will be speaking at 7 pm for the evening service.

All three of these speakers are highly anointed and on fire for Jesus Christ and we will have special music each night. We’re praying that souls will be saved and the captive be set free from the bondage of sin.

Make plans now to join us for all three nights of these dynamic Evangelistic Services and for Saturday’s Event from 11 am until 1 pm..  As always you can come as you are and wear what you have. Come expecting a blessing.

We will be live streaming all three services at and we will also upload to YouTube.

God bless you, we love you and we hope to see you at The Streets this weekend!



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Sister Ginger Riggins and Sister Dana Collins At The Streets This Weekend Thurs. July 9th – Sat. July 11th

Sister Ginger Riggins starts off the weekend speaking tonight Thursday July 9th at 7 pm.

Sister Dana Collins from Fredricksburg Virginia will be will speaking both Friday 10th and Saturday 11th at 7 pm each night. Friday is Youth Night and we will be serving Free Snacks and Drinks after the service.

It’s gonna be a great three nights at The Streets with two awesome speakers!

Make plans now to join us for all three nights of these dynamic Evangelistic Services.  As always you can come as you are and wear what you have. Come expecting a blessing.

We will be live streaming all three services at and we will also upload to YouTube.

God bless you, we love you and we hope to see you at The Streets this weekend!



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Happy Fourth of July

May everyone have a safe, happy and a blessed Fourth of July as we all celebrate our freedom. We are free today by God blessing us and by all those that have fought with countless numbers giving their life to protect and keep us free. Let us never forget that we MUST remain One Nation Under God!!!

God bless you and God bless America. From Taking It To The Streets Ministries!

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Who’s At The Streets This Weekend Thurs. July 2nd – Sat. July 4th

Sister Debbie Carr will be speaking on Thursday July 2nd at 7 pm. Tonya White and her son Issac White will be singing.

Pastor Desmond Barrett will bringing the message on Friday 3rd at 7 pm. Brother Desmond will be bringing Bill Quinn and others to sing.

On Saturday 4th Sister Barbara Kidd will be speaking. Tommy Hodge, Terry Odum and John & Jennifer Bralley will be singing.

Make plans now to join us for all three nights of these dynamic Evangelistic Services.  As always you can come as you are and wear what you have. Come expecting a blessing.

We hope that everyone has a happy, blessed and safe Fourth of July and if you don’t have plans for the Fourth we invite to come worship with us at The Streets.

We will be live streaming all three services at and we will also upload to YouTube.

God bless you, we love you and we hope to see you at The Streets this weekend!



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July 2015 Schedule

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A Soul Won For Jesus Christ, A Rainbow and A Generator

Oh My what a powerful weekend it was!!!

Rev. Sonny Honaker started it off with an awesome message on Thursday as Tonya white and her son Issac White did the singing.

Friday night Pastor Todd Garwood brought another awesome  message as the Silent Praise Team from Freedom Fellowsip did two Drama’s along with Mitch Akers, Shirley Ridpath and Charity Richardson singing.

Then came Saturday with the Bus Mission Fundraiser and WOW what a day!!! The Chicken Bus rolled in first and filled the air with the great aroma of Barbecued Chicken and Faun Hutchinson, her husband Tim and their daughter Daphne did the Hot Dogs, Deserts and Drinks. The Silent Auction went on inside as the Concert was going on outside. God blessed us with just enough showers to keep it cooled off a bit.

Right there on the parking lot , right in the middle of downtown Pulaski group after group as far away as Pennsylvania to Tennessee WORSHIPED our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as the crowd joined in giving praise and honor to the Lord with outstretched hands, singing, shouting and jumping with joy for 5 1/2 hrs.! Tommy Hodge, Terry and Becky Odum, Curtis Ray Hagy of Brothers Forever, Jack and Ruth Scott of The Singing Scott’s, Jon Gray of Frontline Gospel, Ignite Youth Group, All Came As One, Evangelists James and Jennifer McMickin, and All For Jesus were all super fantastic!

The precious young teenage girl turned it all over to Jesus Christ claiming Him as her Lord and Savior. MANY seeds were planted as God’s Word bellowed out from street to street and through the live broadcast by Kathy and Larry Nipper of WBLB radio station. A beautiful rainbow crossed the sky as the praise was lifted up resounding higher and higher like thunder. God gave us the generator that we so desperately needed to carry out the mission that He is taking us to in the next level of our ministry.

We want to thank everyone that took part in any and every way and worked so hard to get the entire weekend accomplished. Also we want to thank all those that came out to support us.  We give God ALL the praise and  ALL the glory!!!

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