At The Streets This Weekend Thurs. Mar. 12th – Sat. Mar. 14th

Sister Debbie Carr will be speaking Thursday Mar. 12th at 7 pm.

On Friday 13th at 7 pm Mike Gray Ministries (Mike Gray and Patty Hart Gray) will be doing the entire service …Praise and Worship and Speaking.

Street Minister Charlie Barbettini will be speaking on Saturday 14th at 7 pm.Due to Evangelist Dedrick Phillips having to cancel.

Make plans now to join us for all three nights of these dynamic Evangelistic Services. We will have special singing on Thursday and Saturday nights! Come as you are and wear what you have. Come expecting a blessing.

We will be live streaming all three services at and we will also upload to YouTube.

God bless you, we love you and we hope to see you at The Streets this weekend!



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WOW What A Week At The Streets!!!

Oh my was it ever an awesome week at The Streets!

God started off the week by leading someone to donate and have installed a beautiful brand new Washer and Dryer for the Warming Station!

Then He brought Evangelist Michael Cooper preaching hard and straight on Thursday night for a powerful service!

On Friday…Youth Night…God brought Jeremy Tunney and Boston Encounter YWAM from Boston consisting of twenty nine beautiful young men and women to The Streets for a powerful…highly anointed service resulting in nine salvations and many…many needs being met!

Saturday keep right on going strong as we started off the day at 10 am serving Free Breakfast and opening up the Clothing Bank with Free Mens, Womens, Boys and Girls Clothing and they came at a solid pace till 1:30 pm. Then at 7 pm God brought Sister Barbara Kidd and blessed us with another night of awesome preaching and singing!

God finished up the week on Sunday morning allowing me to attend an area church service with  great preaching and singing followed by a Spaghetti Dinner…Fund Raiser and Desert Auction with the proceeds being given to the Warming Station. The auctioneer told everyone to bid often and high and man oh man they did just that with one of the wonderful deserts going for $42.50.

We can’t find the right words to describe how thankful we are to EVERYONE that God continues to bring our way to bless this ministry in so many different ways that by joining hands and forces together allows us ALL to get His work accomplished…just as He said in Matthew 25:40…Verily, I say unto you, Inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

Most of all we are thankful for the nine precious souls coming to Jesus Christ! We give God ALL the praise and ALL the glory!

God bless you all…we love you!

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Big Big Big Weekend At The Streets Thurs. Mar. 5th – Sat. Mar. 7th

Oh my what a big weekend at The Streets!

Evangelist Michael Cooper will be speaking on Thursday March 5th at 7 pm.

Friday 6th is Youth Night with Jeremy Tunney and Boston Encounter YWAM.

YWAM Boston Encounter is roughly one hour and forty five minutes in length. It is two types of events in one:

The first half is one of acting and dancing set to music, with some video and artistic sets incorporated. It portrays the character of God, His role in creation, His purposes and love for mankind, our fall aways from Him, the problem of sin in our lives and His redeeming love and sacrifice.

The second half is a concert of worship, celebrating redemption and salvation, inviting people into an intimate and surrendered life with God, the one that they’ve just seen that He so desires for them.

There is no cost but we will take a love offering at the end to help with the expenses of this powerful YWAM Boston Encounter team totaling 29 people altogether.

This event is on a Youth Night but this is most definitely for all ages and we will serve Free Snacks and Drinks after the service.

Sister Barbara Kidd will be speaking on Saturday 7th at 7 pm.

Make plans now to join us for all three nights of these dynamic Evangelistic Services. We will have special singing on Thursday and Saturday nights! Come as you are and wear what you have. Come expecting a blessing.

We will be live streaming all three services at and we will also upload to YouTube.

God bless you, we love you and we hope to see you at The Streets this weekend!



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March 2015 Flyer

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At The Streets This Weekend Thurs. Feb. 26th – Sat. Feb. 28th

Well last week we had to cancel all three services because of the weather BUT this week we WILL be having service all three nights.

Sister  Virginia (Ginger) Riggins will be speaking tonight Thurs. Feb. 26th at 7 pm.

Friday 27th at 7 pm it’s Evangelist Jeffery Johnson speaking.

Then on Sat. 28th at 7 pm Rev. Randy Pickett will be speaking.

Make plans now to join us for all three nights of these dynamic Evangelistic Services. We will have special singing each night! Come as you are and wear what you have. Come expecting a blessing.

We will be live streaming all three services at and we will also upload to YouTube.

God bless you, we love you and we hope to see you at The Streets this weekend!


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NO SERVICES This Weekend At The Streets Thurs. Feb. 19th – Sat. Feb. 21st

Due to the extreme cold arctic cold front moving through our area we WILL NOT have services this weekend Thurs. Feb. 19th – Sat. 21st at The Streets. Temperatures are expected  to be at or below zero today and Friday with snow moving in Saturday.

We pray that everyone will stay in and stay warm and spend time together with family. Please pray that God will bring the homeless people safely to the Warming Station.

For those of you that follow us on our website at and on our Facebook page you may go back and pull up our past services recorded live for your viewing.

We regret to not having services but we feel that God would not have us put anyone in harms way.

God bless you, we love you and we look forward to seeing you soon at The Streets.

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BIG GIGANTIC EVENT coming to The Streets! Friday March 6th at 7 pm

YWAM Boston Encounter is roughly one hour and forty five minutes in length. It is two types of events in one:

The first half is one of acting and dancing set to music, with some video and artistic sets incorporated. It portrays the character of God, His role in creation, His purposes and love for mankind, our fall aways from Him, the problem of sin in our lives and His redeeming love and sacrifice.

The second half is a concert of worship, celebrating redemption and salvation, inviting people into an intimate and surrendered life with God, the one that they’ve just seen that He so desires for them.

The YWAM Boston Encounter is currently on tour overseas and around the country and God is bringing them to Taking It To The Streets. What a great opportunity for the unsaved to give their heart to Christ and for the saved to enter into a closer walk and deeper relationship with Him.

There is no cost but we will take a love offering at the end to help with the expenses of this powerful YWAM Boston Encounter team totaling 29 people altogether.

This event is on a Youth Night but this is most definitely for all ages and we will serve Free Snacks and Drinks after the service.

Mark this date and time down on your calendar and adjust your schedule because you will absolutely not want to miss this event! See you at The Streets Friday March 6th 7 pm! We are located at 223 N. Washington Ave in Pulaski, Va.

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No Service Tonight Saturday Feb. 14th At The Streets

Due to extremely bad weather conditions in the WV hometown area of our guest speaker Rev. Charles Farmer and the forecast for bad weather for our local area we WILL NOT have service tonight Saturday Feb. 14th at Taking It To The Streets.

We pray that everyone will stay safe and warm and that God will bless you all.

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At The Streets This Weekend Thurs. Feb. 12th – Sat. Feb. 14th

Rev. Sonny Honaker starts off the weekend on Thursday Feb. 12th speaking at 7 pm.

Evangelist Keith Linkous will be with us Friday 13th at 7 pm doing the Praise and Worship and bringing the message also.

On Saturday 14th it’s Rev. Charles Farmer finishing up the weekend speaking at 7 pm.

Make plans now to join us for all three nights of these dynamic Evangelistic Services. We will have special singing each night! Come as you are and wear what you have. Come expecting a blessing.

We will be live streaming all three services at and we will also upload to YouTube.

God bless you, we love you and we hope to see you at The Streets this weekend!


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February 2015 Schedule

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