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Who’s At The Streets This Weekend Thurs. Feb. 5th – Sat. Feb. 7th
Rev. Don Taylor starts off the weekend speaking on Thursday Feb. 5th at 7 pm.
Friday 6th is Youth Night at 7 pm. Pastor Reggie Friday from Roanoke Va. will be speaking. We will be serving Free Snacks and Drinks after the service.
Pastor Don Byrd from Speedwell P.H. will be speaking on Saturday 7th at 7 pm. Brother Don will be bringing his entire Praise and Worship Team led by Mike Gray and Patty Hart Gray .
God has put together another great weekend at The Streets so make plans now to join us for all three nights of these dynamic Evangelistic Services. We will have special singing each night! Come as you are and wear what you have. Come expecting a blessing.
We will be live streaming all three services at and we will also upload to YouTube.
God bless you, we love you and we hope to see you at The Streets this weekend!
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God has blessed this ministry way above and beyond measure! We are very anxious to complete this project and we are praying and seeking His total Divine will as He guides us to the next level of servitude. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!!!!!
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Great Weekend To End A Great Month At The Streets Thurs. Jan. 29th – Sat. Jan. 31st
Oh My it’s gonna be a great weekend at The Streets!
Pastor Eddie Dalton starts off speaking on Thursday January 29th at 7 pm. Tommy Hodge, Terry Odum and (Ginger) Virginia Riggins will be singing.
On Friday 30th Teen Challenge Graduate: Evangelist Dedrick Phillips will be speaking. Dedricks’ brother Josh Phillips will be sharing his testimony of what God has done in his life since he graduated from Teen Challenge in July 2014. Tanya Doyle will be singing.
Brother Ben Tedwill was scheduled to speak but had to cancel due to the death of his father. Please continue to pray for Ben and the family. Since we had to cancel last Friday due to weather Dedrick Phillips will be speaking this week and we will reschedule Brother Ben at a later date.
Saturday 31st at 7 pm it’s Revs. Curtis and Wanda Howell from Montvale, Va. Sister Wanda Howell will be singing on Saturday night.
Make plans now to attend all three of these dynamic Evangelistic Services. All services will be streamed live at and will be uploaded to YouTube.
As always you can come as you are and wear what you have. Come expecting a blessing.
God bless you, we love you and we hope to see you at The Streets this weekend!
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No Service Tonight Friday Jan. 23rd At The Streets
Due to the winter weather advisory in effect for the New River Valley from 2 pm today until 10 am Saturday we will NOT have service tonight Friday Jan. 23rd at Taking It To Streets.
We do plan on having service on Saturday 24th at 7 pm with Evangelist Jeffery Johnson speaking.
Thank you for your support and understanding and we hope to see you on Saturday night at 7 pm.
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The Forecast is Snow Outside and Fire Inside at The Streets This Weekend Thurs. Jan. 22nd – Sat. Jan. 24th
Sister Barbara Kidd starts off the weekend on Thursday Jan. 22nd speaking at 7 pm. Terry Odum and Tommy Hodge will be singing.
Friday is Youth Night at 7 pm with Teen Challenge Graduate…Evangelist Dedrick Phillips speaking. Dedricks’ brother Josh will be sharing his moving testimony of how God brought him through Teen Challenge….graduating in July 2014. Tanya Doyle and Leslie Smith Sexton will be singing. We will be serving Free Snacks and Drinks after the service.
On Saturday at 7 pm fired up….Evangelist Jeffery Johnson will be speaking at 7 pm. Leslie Smith Sexton, Shirley Ridpath and Charlie Barbettini will be singing.
Make plans now to attend all three of these dynamic Evangelistic Services. All services will be streamed live at and will be uploaded to YouTube.
As always you can come as you are and wear what you have. Come expecting a blessing.
God bless you, we love you and we hope to see you at The Streets this weekend!
NOTE: If the weather should not permit us to have service we will post a “NOTICE OF CANCELLATION” on our website and on our Facebook page.
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Saturday January 17 th At The Streets
On Saturday Jan.17th from 11 am till 2 pm we will be serving Free Soup, Sandwich, Desert and Drink also the Clothing Bank will be open with Free Mens, Womens, Boys and Girls clothing.
On Saturday Jan.17th from 11 am till 2 pm we will be serving Free Soup, Sandwich, Desert and Drink also the Clothing Bank will be open with Free Mens, Womens, Boys and Girls clothing.
We are located at 223 N. Washington Ave. in Pulaski Va
We are located at 223 N. Washington Ave. in Pulaski Va
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Whats Up At The Streets This Weekend Thurs. Jan. 15th – Sat. Jan. 17th
It’s gonna be a great weekend at The Streets!
Pastor Wayne Poston starts off the weekend speaking at 7 pm on Thursday Jan. 15th. Brother Wayne’s wife Norma Poston and his daughter Jennifer Poston Duncan will be doing the music.
Friday Jan. 16th it’s Pastor Doug Duncan speaking at 7 pm. Tommy Hodge will be singing.
Then on Saturday Jan. 17th at 7 pm Street Minister Charlie Barbettini will be speaking. Leslie Smith Sexton and others will be singing.
Make plans now to attend all three of these dynamic Evangelistic Services. All services will be streamed live at and will be uploaded to YouTube.
As always you can come as you are and wear what you have. Come expecting a blessing.
God bless you, we love you and we hope to see you at The Streets this weekend!
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Its Cold Outside….But Warm Inside At The Streets. Thurs. Jan. 8th – Sat. Jan.10th Schedule
Sister (Ginger) Virginia Riggins will be speaking Tonight Thursday Jan. 8th at 7 pm. Linda Stone, Terry Odum and possibly Tommy Hodge will be singing.
Friday is Youth Night at 7 pm with Evangelist Keith Linkous doing the Praise & Worship and speaking. We will be serving Free Pizza and Drinks after the service.
Saturday at 7 pm on fire for Jesus…..Sister Yvetta Gueste will be speaking. Leslie Smith Sexton and others will be singing.
So brave the cold and make plans now to attend all three of these dynamic Evangelistic Services. All services will be streamed live at and will be uploaded to YouTube.
As always you can come as you are and wear what you have. Come expecting a blessing.
God bless you, we love you and we hope to see you at The Streets this weekend!
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Happy New Year! No Service tonight. Remaining schedule for Friday Jan. 2nd – Saturday Jan. 3rd
We will NOT be having service tonight to allow time for everyone to spend time with their families and friends. Happy New Year to everyone from all of us at Taking It To The Streets Ministries.
On Friday Jan. 2nd at 7 pm Rev. Charles Farmer will be speaking.
Saturday Jan. 3rd at 7 pm Evangelist Sherman Buckner will be speaking.
Make plans now to join us for these dynamic evangelistic services. If you are not able to attend you can join us by live streaming at and we will also upload to YouTube.
At The Streets you can always come as you are and wear what you have. Come expecting a blessing.
God bless you, we love you and we hope to see you at The Streets!
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