Due To Weather Fri. Feb. 14th and Sat. Feb. 15th Services Will Be Canceled

After talking to Emergency Response Personnel this morning we feel that to keep everyone from harms way it is best to cancel both Friday 14th and Saturday 15th services at The Streets. This will give everyone an opportunity to recover and dig out from this severe storm.

We will reschedule Evangelists Ralph and Patsy Boils along with Paul Robertson and **All For Jesus Ministries** at a later date.

We pray that everyone is safe and warm and we look forward to seeing you at The Streets next Thursday February 20th with Pastor David Scott speaking.

God bless you all and we love you!

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What’s Up At The Streets This Weekend Thurs. Feb. 13th – Sat. Feb. 15th

There will be NO service on Thursday February 13th at The Streets due to sickness (Our speaker Sister Judy Gregory son Jerry suffered a heart attack) and the weather. Please pray for Jerry and the family.

On Friday 14th Evangelists Ralph and Pasty Boils from Tennessee will be speaking at The Streets. Paul Robertson and **All For Jesus Ministries** will be doing the music. We are very excited and we’re looking forward to this night and we pray that God will pour out His Spirit in a very big way in this service.

Street Minister Charlie Barbettini will be bringing the message (Obedience Is Better Than Sacrifice) on Saturday 15th at 7pm. **Mike Gray Ministries** will be doing the music.

We feel that it should not be a problem with the weather to hold Friday and Saturday services.  Should we have to cancel we will post it on our Website, Facebook and announce it on WBLB radio in Pulaski.

We will be live streaming the services at www.streets4god.com.  Come and see for yourself how God is moving and blessing at The Streets.  You can wear what you have and come as you are. Come expecting a blessing.

God bless you and we hope to see you at The Streets!

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At The Streets This Weekend Thurs. Feb. 6th – Sat. Feb. 8th

Oh My…two powerful speakers are coming to The Streets this weekend with back to back services!

Rev. Charles Farmer will be speaking on Thursday Feb. 6th at 7pm.  Mike Gray Ministries will be doing the singing.

Pastor Sherman Buckner will be speaking both Friday 7th and Saturday 8th at 7pm each night.  Friday is Youth Night and we will be serving Free Pizza and Drinks after the service. We will have special singing both nights.

Both of these speakers are on fire and heavily anointed men of God and this will be a great weekend for sure. Make plans now to attend all three nights. You can also join us by live streaming at www.streets4god.com and you can view the entire service on YouTube after it is uploaded.

At The Streets you can always come as you are and wear what you have. Come expecting a blessing. God bless you and we hope to see you at The Streets.

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What’s Up At The Streets This Weekend Thurs. Jan 30th – Sat. Feb. 1st

Well it’s been a great month at The Streets.  So far there have been 8 saved/re-dedicated and need after need has been met all for the glory of the Lord.

As we close out the month and start into February Pastor Harry Gunter starts it off speaking Thursday Jan. 30th at 7pm.  Pastor David Scott was scheduled to speak but due to a death in his church he had to cancel and we will re-schedule him to come in February.

Sister Ginger Riggins will be speaking on Friday Jan. 31st at 7pm and Teen Challenge Graduate Evangelist Dedrick Phillips will be speaking on Saturday Feb. 1st at 7pm.

We will have special singing each night. We hope that you will be able to come and enjoy these dynamic Evangelistic Services with us. You can always join us by internet live streaming at www.streets4god.com and you can view the service after it is uploaded on YouTube.

Come as you are and wear what you have. Come expecting a blessing. God bless you and we hope to see you at The Streets.


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Its’s Another Big Weekend At The Streets Thurs. Jan. 23rd – Sat. Jan. 25th

Pastor Mike Honaker will be speaking both Thursday January 23rd and Friday 24th at 7pm each night. Friday is Youth Night and we will serve Snacks and Drinks after the service. We will have special music each night.

Brother Mike is an on fire and highly anointed man of God and it’s been way too long since he has been with us and we are very excited about him coming to speak at The Streets!

Sister Judy Gregory will be speaking on Saturday 25th at 7pm.  Sister Alice Jones will not be able to come speak at this time and we will reschedule her at a later date. God is using Sister Judy in a big way and we look forward to her coming to speak.  Her son Jerry Gregory will be singing.

The weather is very cold outside but you will surely not want to miss these dynamic Evangelistic Services.  You can always come as you are and wear what you have.  Come expecting a blessing.

We will be live streaming all three services at www.streets4god.com.  Also you can view the entire service on YouTube after it is uploaded.

God bless you all and we hope to see you at The Streets!

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God Said “Take The Lady Shopping”

First of all this is not for our glory but for Gods glory. I really felt led to post this.

God brought the lady out of the tent after being there for over a year, gave her an apartment, sobered her up, cleaned, clothed and fed her and then He said ” Take the lady shopping.”

Jack and Mary Ellen Byrd went with me today to take the lady to Walmart and get her some personal and household things.  As we started I asked her “What do you need sweetie?”  She didn’t ask for beer, wine or cigarettes…she asked “Can I have a dish drainer?” In a world were we get caught up in having anything we want at our finger tips we forget how much a little thing such as a dish drainer can mean to someone who has nothing. I pray that God will give her a dishwasher!

We thank God for bringing people together from many communities, denominations and all walks of life to make this Homeless Project a huge success, showing the love of Christ in a real and true way to a hurting and lonely world.

For God said in Matthew 25:35-36 ” For I was hungry, and ye gave Me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave Me drink: I was a stranger and ye took Me in. Naked and ye clothed Me: I was sick, and ye visited Me. I was in prison, and ye came unto Me.” and He went on to say “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto Me.”

God bless you all and God bless these precious homeless people.

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At The Streets This Weekend Thurs. Jan 16th – Sat. Jan 18th

The month is rolling right along and oh my what a great month it is.  Already there have been 7 saved/re-dedicated, a lady healed and God has met need after need.

Pastor Doug Patterson starts off the weekend speaking Thursday Jan 16th at 7pm.  Brother Doug is an awesome – dynamic speaker and its been way too long since he has been with us. Brother Doug will be bringing singers with him.

Pastor Doug Duncan will be speaking both Friday 17th and Saturday 18th at 7pm each night. Brother Doug is a powerful – on fire young evangelist and we are excited about him being with us. Barbara Wilson and Tommy Hodge will be singing Friday night. Singing Saturday night will be Marsha Hodge, Leslie Sexton and Dreama Umberger.

If you like powerful – anointed preaching and singing we’ve got more of it again this weekend.  Make plans now to come worship with us all three nights and enjoy these dynamic Evangelistic Services.  As always you can come as you are and wear what you have. Come expecting a blessing. We will be live streaming each service at www.streets4god.com. Also you can view the entire service once it is uploaded on YouTube.

God bless you and we hope to see you at The Streets!

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Update On The Homeless Project

PRAISE THE LORD…PRAISE THE LORD…PRAISE THE LORD!!! One of the homeless gets an apartment tomorrow!!!

When i stopped by today the lady was cleaned up so nice and had such a big smile on her face and was so thankful for everything…and now she has a brand new life! Oh My My it just makes me so happy to see this dream come true!

I try not to list people to thank for fear of missing someone but in this situation I want to especially thank The Patriot Newspaper, Janet Johnson of the NRV Community Action and Emergency Needs Task Force, Jack & Mary Ellen Byrd, Mike Jones and everyone else that has helped in SO many ways and of course none of this could have been possible without God orchestrating and blessing the process all the way through….THANK YOU DEAR GOD!!!

We fed the homeless lunch today and plans are to feed them tomorrow at The Streets at 6pm. We thank everybody for joining in and making a difference. All of the donations and love that has been shown and the help that has been given is outstanding and remarkable!

If we all stay united and in one accord in this Homeless Project with Gods help this lady will be the first of many precious homeless people to come off the streets, out of the tents and into a nice warm home to start a new life with the ultimate goal of salvation.

God bless you all we love you!

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At The Streets This Weekend Thurs. Jan. 9th – Jan. 11th

Rev. Charles Farmer will be speaking on Thursday January 9th at 7pm. Marsha Hodge, Leslie Sexton and Dreama Umberger will be singing.

Pastor Sherman Buckner will be speaking both Friday 10th and Saturday 11th at 7pm each night. Friday is Youth night and 18 yr old singing sensation Katie Bryhanna will be singing.  We will serve free Snacks and Drinks after the service on Youth Night. Mike Gray Ministries will be singing on Saturday night.

This is another weekend that you will not want to miss. Make plans now to come for all three nights of these dynamic Evangelistic Services. Come as you are and wear what you have. Come expecting a blessing.  We will be live streaming the services at www.streets4god.com. Also you can view the service on YouTube after the service is uploaded.

God bless you and we hope to see you at The Streets.

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What’s Up At The Streets This Weekend Thurs. Jan 2nd – Sat. Jan. 4th

Mike Gray Ministries starts off the weekend Thursday January 2nd at 7pm.  Mike and Patty Gray will be doing the Praise & Worship and speaking.

Friday 3rd at 7pm Sister Barbara Kidd will be speaking.  Marsha Hodge, Leslie Sexton and Drema Umberger will be singing.

On Saturday 4th at 7pm Sister Judy Gregory will be speaking.  Jerry Gregory will be singing.

Make plans now to come all three nights and worship with us in these dynamic Evangelistic Services.  Come as you are and wear what you have.  Come expecting a blessing.  Live streaming at www.streets4god.com

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