It’s Ladies Week At The Streets Thurs. May 9th – Sat. May 11th

We have three dynamic speakers for Ladies Week.  Sister Barbara Kidd starts off speaking Thursday May 9th at 7pm.  On Friday 10th Sister Virginia (Ginger) Riggins will be speaking at 7pm.  Then on Saturday 11th Sister Judy Gregory will be speaking at 7pm.  We will have special music each night.

All three speakers are very anointed and preach the Word of God in a powerful way.  Come out and enjoy these Evangelistic Services and come expecting a blessing.  All services will be streamed live at

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Who’s At The Streets This Weekend Thurs. May 2nd – Sat. 4th

Pastor Harry Gunter starts off the weekend speaking  Thursday May 2nd at 7pm.  Brother Harry always does a great job speaking.

On Friday May 3rd at 7pm Pastor Allen Bouldin will be speaking for Youth Night.  Brother Allen will be bringing some of his P&W Team and also Zach Alderson will be singing.  After the service we will have Free Snacks and Drinks.

On Saturday May 4th recent Teen Challenge graduate Dedrick Phillips will be speaking.  Brother Dedrick was with us the night that Teen Challenge came over and he gave a powerful testimony.  We are very excited about Dedrick coming back to speak.

Come enjoy these great Evangelistic Services.  Come expecting a blessing.  All services will be streamed live at

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May Flyer

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AT The Streets This Weekend Thurs. April 25th – Sat. 27th

Sister Alice Jones from West Va will be with us Thursday 25th at 7pm.  Sister Alice will be doing Praise and Worship and will be speaking also.  She is very anointed and on fire for Jesus Christ.

Rev.  Charles Farmer will be speaking both Friday 26th and Saturday 27th at 7pm each night.  Brother Farmer reminds us so much of the late R W Shambach.

This will surely be three nights of powerful Evangelistic Services.  Come worship us and also you can join us live at  Come as you are and wear what you have.  Come expecting a blessing.

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**Teen Challenge** From West Va. And Others At The Streets This Weekend Thurs. April 18th – Sat. 20th

Another weekend rolls around and its gonna be a great one at The Streets!  Pastor Harry Gunter will be speaking on Thursday April 18th at 7pm.  Brother Harry is a spirit filled Baptist minister and we look forward to him bringing the Word of God.

It will be a very special Youth Night on Friday 19th at 7pm.  **Teen Challenge** from West Va. will be with us.  I’ve visited them in West Va. and oh my what a blessing they are.  Young men with their lives changed and a brand new purpose and reason for living.  They are on fire for Jesus Christ and they will be sharing their testimony in a powerful way.  Free Pizza and Drinks will be served after the service.

On Saturday 20th at 7pm Evangelist Chad Jones will be speaking.  Brother Chad preaches hard and straight and it’s sure to be a great service.

We will have special music each night.  Come worship with us all three nights and enjoy these Evangelistic Services.  Come expecting a blessing and as always you can come as you are and wear what you have.  All services will be streamed live at

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Oh What A Night!

 God brought Brother Don Hackett 90 miles to preach to a small crowd, to people on the internet around the country, to people gathered around the computer with David at a truck stop in Miami Florida and passers by on the street.

Not knowing that at The Streets one of the reasons God brought Don walked in before he arrived. The lady told me I need you to pray with me I’m fighting depression and I’m very nervous. She said I don’t even know if I can make it through the whole service. We prayed and I said please stay you will love the preacher and the singing tonight.

Well she stayed through it all and Brother Don preached a powerful -anointed message on depression. The altar call was given and no one responded. As people were leaving she made her way to Brother Don and there they were knelled down by a chair praying and ….she gave her heart to Jesus Christ!


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Whats Up At The Streets This Weekend Thurs. April 11th – Sat. April 13th

Sister Debbie Carr starts the weekend off Thursday April 11th at 7pm.  Debbie is a great speaker and we are anxious to hear her speak.

Friday April 12th at 7pm Evangelist Doug Duncan will be speaking.  Tommy Hodge will be singing.  Wow what a great combination…its sure to be a great night.

On Saturday April 13th our dear friend Pastor Don Hackett from Winston Salem will be speaking.  We always enjoy Brother Don coming to The Streets.

Make plans now to attend all three nights of these dynamic Evangelistic Services.  Come as you are and wear what you have.  Come expecting a blessing.  We will live stream each service at

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At The Streets Thurs. April 4th – Sat. 6th

This weekend starts off with Rev. Jimmy Rorrer speaking at 7pm on Thurs. 4th.  Its been a long time since Brother Jimmy has been with us at The Streets and we are very excited about him coming to speak.

Its a very special Youth Night with the youth doing the entire service.  Lucas Graham will be speaking at 7pm.  Katie Bryhanna from Winston Salem and Mitch Akers will be singing.  Zack Alderson will be playing the guitar and singing.  Also John Stowers will be playing the guitar.  Free Snacks and Drinks will be served after the service.

On Sat. 6th at 7pm I (Charlie Barbettini) will be speaking.  Mike Gray Ministries will be doing the music.  Also Robert, Della,  Melissa and Judy will be doing a skit.

We pray that many souls will be saved, lives changed and relationships put back together.  Come be with us and come expecting a blessing.  You can also join us by live streaming at

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April Flyer

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This Weekend At The Streets Thurs. March 28th – Sat. 30th

My oh my what a quick month this has been.  Pastor Harry Gunter will be speaking Thurs. 28th at 7pm.  Evangelist Sherman Buckner will be speaking both Fri. 29th and Sat. 3oth at 7pm each night.

You will certainly want to make plans to come and hear these two dynamic speakers.  We will have special music each night.  On Friday night 17yr old Katie Bryhanna  from Winston Salem will be singing.

Come worship with us and come expecting a blessing.  Also you can join us by live streaming at  God bless you all and we’ll see you at The Streets.

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