At The Streets Fri 23rd and Sat 24th

It was a great two nights at The Streets. Dr Carol Voss and Rev. Davie Whittlock did awesome jobs speaking under great anointing.
Young Katie, Haley, Mitch, Drema and Leslie all did a wonderful job singing. Many needs were met and a great time was had by everyone. Thank You Jesus thank You so very much!

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At The Streets Thurs. Nov. 22nd – Sat. 24th

Well Last weekend was a glorious time with 2 saved many healed and delivered and serving 343 Thanksgiving Meals to the needy.  We give God all the praise for such a great time.

Thursday 22nd we will not be having service so as to give everyone time to enjoy Thanksgiving with their family. The Team at Taking It To The Streets wishes everyone a very happy and safe Thanksgiving.

On Friday 23rd at 7pm Dr. Carol Voss (a dynamic speaker) from Mt. Airy N.C. will be speaking for Youth Night.  Young Katie Bryhanna from Winston Salem N.C. will be singing.  We will be serving Free Pizza and Drinks after the service.

On Saturday 24th at 7pm Rev. Davie Whittlock will be bringing the message. It’s been way too long since Brother Davie has been with us and we are excited to have  him return to The Streets with his on fire anointed preaching. Rev. Paul Robertson and his group “All For Jesus Ministries ” will be doing the singing.

Services will be streamed live at but we hope you can come enjoy these great two nights of Evangelistic Service’s with us.  Come as you are and wear what you have…come expecting a blessing.

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At The Streets

OH My what a time. We served 343 Thanksgiving Dinners and shared the love of Christ with young and old, boy and girl and man and woman! Then the service at 7PM….the young boy couldn’t wait for Brother Doug Duncan to get the altar call out, he quickly moved the chairs back and came to the altar to give his heart to Jesus Christ!

Anointed singing by Sherman, Mitch and Drema and powerful on fire anointed preaching by Brother Doug and the Holy Ghost fell all over the place. The little young girl came to the altar crying asking for prayer for her mom. The young boy called his mom and said I know you all prayed for me I could feel it. It was a totally electrifying service!

We give God all the praise….every bit of it for a glorious three nights of Revival and a wonderful afternoon with our friends.

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Huge Weekend Coming Up At The Streets Thurs. Nov. 15th – Sat 17th

Rev. Sherman Buckner will be speaking Thursday 15th and Friday 16th  7pm at The Streets.  Brother Sherman is an on fire preacher and singer and we look forward to him being with us.

On Saturday from 3pm til 5pm we will be doing our 3rd  Annual Feed The Hungry Thanksgiving Meal.  We thank God for allowing us to be able to reach out to the less fortunate ones and offer them a great Thanksgiving meal.  Last year we fed about 225 and this year we are expecting to feed about 300.  Then at 7pm Rev. Doug Duncan will be bringing the word.  Brother Doug holds nothing back and preaches the word with anointed fire and fervor!

We will have special music each night.  With Brother Sherman and Brother Doug (two Great Evangelist) preaching back to back this will be an awesome three nights of Revival.  Makes plans now to come and be with us.   Come as you are and wear what you have.

We are located at 223 N. Washington Ave. in Pulaski Va.  Services will be streamed live at

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What A Time!

Well look what the Lord has done!  The Coat Drive is just about to end and people have came and got coats and we have gotten blessed!

We went down to a business where some of our friends are living behind it with no place to sleep and stay warm.  As we were getting ready to bring two of them to The Streets for coats and supplies one of them said let me finish my beer.  He hurried it down and they climbed in the back of the truck.  When we arrived they put out the cigarette and took off the hat and entered God’s house with reverence and respect for Jesus Christ.  Oh my you would have thought they were shopping at Macys!  The group Soul Winners was practicing and one of them was singing along to God’s music and very well I might say.

We took them back with warm clothes,food and blankets…all which had been donated to us.  Before they would say goodbye they ASKED for prayer!  Oh Dear God thank You for those real and precious people. Please SAVE their precious souls and keep them safe.

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Taking It To The Streets Coat Drive November 10th

Taking It To The Streets: It’s been a great two nights at The Streets. God has moved and blessed each night. Today (Sat 10th) from 5PM – 7PM we will be having a Coat Drive. Giving coats to the needy while supplies last. At 7PM Gospel Group “Soul Winners” will be singing and ministering. We’re located at 223 N. Washington Ave. in Pulaski. Live streaming

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At The Streets Thurs Nov. 8th – Sat 10th

Pastor Harry Gunter will be speaking Thursday Nov. 8th at 7pm.  Oh my how we enjoy Brother Harry coming to The Streets!  Friday 9th at 7pm Rev. Frank Ubaney will be back with us speaking for Youth Night.  Brother Frank has a special calling for the youth and this will be a great night. There will be special music both Thursday and Friday nights.

On  Saturday at 5pm –  7pm we will be doing a Coat Drive. We will be giving coats to the needy while supplies last.  At 7pm we will have a special night of singing with the Gospel Group **Soul Winners.**  This will be the first time that the group Soul Winners has been with us at The Streets and we are very excited about them coming to sing and minister.

Come as you are and wear what you have. We will be live streaming each service at

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Taking It To The Streets 3rd Annual Feed The Hungry Thanksgiving Meal

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Benefit Singing At The Streets Fri Nov. 2nd

Brother David Scott did an awesome job speaking and his Mother Elanor Scott and Drema also did an awesome job singing last night.  The Lord blessed the service with His awesome holy spirit.

Tonight Fri 2nd at 7pm we will have a Benefit Singing for Rev. Sherman Buckner and his wife Carolyn.  The Buckners have a great financial need at this time and we know that God will meet the needs of His dedicated and anointed servants.  We have a great lineup of singers including Tommy Hodge and 17 year old Katie Bryhanna.

Please come out and support the Buckners in thier time of need and let God bless you as you bless others.  Service will be streamed live at

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At The Streets Thurs 1st – Sat 3rd

Rev. David Scott from Abundant Life Church of God in Marion Va. will be speaking Thursday at 7pm.  Brother David is a very anointed man of God and we are looking forward to having him at The Streets.

On Friday at 7pm we will be doing a Benefit Singing for Rev. Sherman and Carolyn Buckner.  We have an awesome lineup of singers..Tommy Hodge, Katie Bryhanna and many others.  The Buckners have a great financial need at this time.  Also you may bring non-perishables ,groceries and ect. Lets all come together and be a blessing to them as God blesses us.

On Saturday at 7pm the Gospel Group “New River Boys” will be singing and Evangelist Chad Jones will be speaking. We are very excited about the New River Boys coming to sing and Brother Chad speaking. All services will be streamed live at  Come as you are and wear what you have and come expecting a blessing.

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