God took a vision and burned it into the hearts of a team and called it Taking It To The Streets. He took a building and added chairs,music equipment,painting on the walls,added pictures and a mural on the outside. He brought speakers (ministers,evangelist and lay) and singers of all different types of gospel music and worshipers of all denominations together to worship and praise our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He blessed it with His awesome holy spirit and made it a place where people of all walks of life can come and find salvation and help and be fed both spiritually and physically. He made it a place where the alcoholic,the drug addict,the prostitute,the lonely, the heartbroken,the hungry and needy,the lost and the believer can all come as they are and wear what they have and be accepted.
God gave us a live internet feed and said to broadcast it all over the world. God gave us a mission: Mark 16:15 “Go Ye Into All The World and Preach The Gospel To Every Creature”. He gave us a bus ministry and stirred the hearts of person after person to contribute to a bus fund and as it grows He is burning our feet and our souls to literally go out into the cities and towns both near and far and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and to share His love with everyone we meet.
As we march on day after day and night after night we invite you to come and be a part of this ministry. We ask you to keep us lifted up in prayer that God will never take His precious anointing off of this ministry and that we will never forget the great commission that He has given us to “Go Ye Into All The World and Preach The Gospel To Every Creature”
God bless you all,
Street Minister Charlie Barbettini and the entire Taking It To The Streets Ministry Team