This Week A t The Streets Thurs 11th – Sat 13th

Sister Barbara Kidd starts off on Thurs 11th speaking at 7pm.  Sister Barbara will be speaking for her first time at The Streets and she is bringing singers with her.  On Fri 12th at 7pm its Youth Night and Brother Timothy (Smitty) Smith will be speaking.  Smitty is fired up about coming and also will be bringing singers with him.  Free Pizza and Drinks will be served.  Then on Sat 13th at 7pm Rev. Don Taylor will be speaking.  We always enjoy Brother Don speaking.  Its gonna be a great weekend at The Streets so make plans to come and worship with us.  All services will be streamed live at

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What A Glorious Day It Was

Our day started at 7:30 this morning at Fatz Cafe doing a Pancake Breakfast as a Fund – Raiser for the Street Ministry.  Many people came out and supported us and God blessed us in a VERY big way.  We are very thankful for all that was accomplished through this event.

The highlight of the morning came as we delivered 107 donated meals to the less fortunate people in Pulaski.  From the little kid saying “I’ll have something to eat today”…to the man that walked all the way across town carrying his meal back home with him…to the lady sitting on the bench with a great big smile as she got her meals…OH HOW OUR HEARTS WERE TOUCHED!!! Oh Dear God thank You, thank You, thank You!

Then Mike Gray Ministries and Front Line Gospel sung at The Streets before Evangelist Chad Jones came to bring the very powerful –  anointed message.  The spirit of God was SO great!

As we go through our everyday lives we sometimes forget just how blessed we are and how hungry and underprivileged others are.  I pray that if the Street Ministry Team ever forgets why God sent us into Pulaski and why He is sending us into the world that He will break our hearts and shock us back into remembering the lost, downtrodden,poor,hungry,lonely and needy!

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Rev. Danny Mcglothin did a great job last night. Great singing by Sister Elanor Scott and Brother Danny. Tonight (10-5) at 7PM Brother Danny will be speaking again. We will have special singing also. Live streaming

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Coming Up At The Streets

On Saturday Oct. 6th Taking It To The Streets will be doing a fund-raiser Pancake Breakfast at Fatz Cafe in Dublin Va. from 8am till 10am.  Proceeds will go to further the gospel of Jesus Christ and reach the lost.  Many people have bought tickets as a donation and are not able to attend the event.  We will take carryout orders from these tickets to feed the less fortunate people in Pulaski and surrounding communities. Come join us for a great meal and a chance to win some real nice door prizes.

On Saturday Oct. 20th at 7pm Gospel Group “The Alleys” will be at The Streets.  We are very excited about The Alleys coming and are expecting a large crowd.  There will be plenty of seating but you will want to come early for this event.

On Saturday Nov. 17th we will be having our 3rd annual Thanksgiving “Feed The Hungry” Meal at The Streets.  The meal will be served from 3pm til 5pm followed by an evening service  at 7pm.  Rev. Doug Duncan will be speaking.  With the economy continuing to worsen “sad to say” the number of less fortunate people continues to rise.  This is one of the most cherished events that we do throughout the year. We thank God for making it possible for us to be able to reach out and share both physical and spiritual food with these dear precious people as we share the love of Jesus Christ.

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At The Streets Thurs 4th – Sat 6th

Taking It To The Streets welcomes Rev. Danny McGlothin to speak both Thursday 4th and Friday 5th at 7pm.  There will be special singing both nights. On Sat 6th Evangelist Chad Jones will be speaking at 7pm.  Mike Gray Ministries and Front Line Gospel will be doing the music on Saturday night.  All services will be streamed live at  Everyone is welcome and as always you can come as you are and wear what you have at The Streets.

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October Schedule

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Taking To The Streets October Schedule **Partial**

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And what a night it was…2 SAVED!!! “Brothers Forever” were FANTASTIC! God’s spirit was there in a very big way! Thank You Dear God!!! Tonight (Sat 22nd) at 7PM Evan. Chad Jones will be speaking. We invite everyone to come worship at The Streets. Live streaming

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Tonight (Fri 21st) at 7PM Gospel Recording Artist “Brothers Forever” will be in concert at The Streets. Nominated in 2010 for “Gospel Group Of The Year” this will be a concert you won’t want to miss. Also word is that 17yr old Katie Bryhanna is gona try and be with us tonight as well. Come early for good seating. Located at 223 N. Washington Ave. Pulaski. Live streaming

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Brother Chad Jones did an outstanding job speaking last night. The singing was wonderful also. The power of God was awesome!

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