Big – Big Weekend At The Streets Thurs 28th – Sat 30th

Pastor Harry Gunter from Dora Highway Baptist Church will start off speaking on Thursady night at 7PM. Brother Harry is a very anointed speaker and we always enjoy it when Brother Harry comes to speak!

On Friday and Saturday we have a Special Two Night Singing at 7PM each night.  We are very excited about having Jerry Jones Ministries from Seaford, DE with us for both nights!    Brother Jerry is an Award – Winning CGMA Country Gospel Artist, International Songwriter Of The Year and Three Time Male Vocalist Of The Year!  Jerry and his wife Jeannie travel all across the country singing for Jesus Christ.  Also singing will be Mike Gray Ministries, Front Line Ministries, Tommy Hodge and other great local singers.

If you like great preaching come hear Brother Harry on Thursday and if you like great singing come hear Jerry Jones Ministries and all the others on Friday and Saturday!  This is certainly a weekend that you will not want to miss.  All services will be streamed live at  Everyone is welcome at The Streets.  Make plans now to come and spend three very special nights with us.  May God bless you all and we hope to see you at The Streets!

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Sat Was A Glorious Night In Jackson Park!

Oh What a night in the park!  The people were in the park and also in the shopping center across the street listening.  Great singing by Elbert, Drema, Leslie and a man came up out of the crowd to join Brother Sherman to sing a song.  Brother Sherman Buckner did an awesome job bringing the message and Gods word rang out from block to block! There was such a great spirit present as we worshiped God in the fresh air under the trees.  We thank God for allowing us to be back out on the street.

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Thanks Randall

Thanks Randall for allowing God to use you. On last Fridays Youth Night Brother Randall got up to sing in front of a full house and a live internet feed.  He was singing to a guitar that he could’nt hear being played by Gary Eversole and reading the lips of Debbie Tramell to find out where he was in the song. It blessed our hearts and God used Randall in a powerful way!  Randall as you go through life you have turned being a victim of being near deaf into being a victory for Jesus Christ.  Your reward will be great in heaven!  We love you Randall, Gary and Debbie!

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It Was A Great Weekend At The Streets

God blessed us with a great weekend as we finished out with the group Miracle Made singing Friday for Youth Night. Rev Marty Lewis spoke both Friday and Saturday night.  The group Miracle Made is so anointed and God is using them in a big way.  There was such a great healing spirit present and we had a lady text off the internet and said that God was healing her ankle and that she will be at The Streets this week to testify…we praise God for that!  At 10:30 we had people on the street still enjoying pizza and drinks and fellowship.  Martys wife Pam gave a very stirring testimony Friday and Brother Marty did an awesome job both nights.

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God brought us awesome singing and testifying leading the way to powerful, on fire, anointed preaching by Pastor Mike Honaker. The altar call was given and 3 young girls were the first to respond! Gods spirit filled the room like a fog. Tonight at 7pm Brother Mike will be speaking for Youth Night. There will be Free Pizza & Drinks. Please don’t miss this! Live streaming

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Evangelist,preachers,singers,a crowd of people and most of all Gods Holy Spirit filled the house and OH MY what a service it was! the singing was fantastic and Pastor David Scott preached an awesome anointed message. God moved in a mighty way and many needs were met. Tonight at 7PM Evangelist Rocky Flinchum will be speaking. Everyone is welcome. Live streaming at

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WOW what a service Friday night! A couple said it best.. “This is a million times better than any life we have ever lived! We don’t go home feeling bad & we have no hangover in the morning!” They are SO happy serving the Lord! Tonight 7PM Rev Don Hackett from Winston Salem will be speaking & 16 year old Katie Bryhanna will be singing. Come worship with us. Live streaming

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It Was A Great Weekend At The Streets

This past weekend 2/16 -2/18 was awesome from beginning to end. Thursday and Friday nights were filled with awesome altar services and a powerful moving of the Holy Spirit each night.  Then came Saturday! We had another large crowd as Evangelist Rocky Flinchum and his brother Steve along with their P & W Team were singing.  In comes young Anthony off the street needing prayer in a bad way.  As he told about being an alcoholic the power of God began to move and Anthony gave his heart to Christ and became completely sober.  Then Brother Rocky preached an awesome message and had altar call.  Someone requested “Somebody Touched Me” to be sung and Gods power came down like a fog! Everyone young and old were praising the Lord and another young man came up to re-dedicate his life back to Christ! God continues to move in a powerful way at The Streets and we are so thankful.  We never take for granted the precious anointing of Jesus Christ and we always give ALL the praise to Christ! Thank You Father God for what You are doing!

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A Great Weekend It Was

WOW what a weekend it was at The Streets!  It started on Thursday with Pastor Mike Ingo from Draper Valley PH preaching both Thursday and Friday nights under great anointing along with great singing.  Then on Saturday night Rev. Don Hackett from Winston Salem preached an awesome message and the group The Anchormen did the singing.  Brother Ronnie Burchett gave his heart stirring, life changing testimony of how God saved him and his son from a boating accident on Lake Norman. God continues to bless us with His precious anointing and we give ALL the glory to God.

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Taking It To The Streets Thanksgiving Meal and Winter Schedule Change

We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved, including individuals, businesses, churches and organizations for helping to make our annual Thanksgiving Meal/Feed the Hungry day a complete success for Jesus Christ. Rather you contributed directly or indirectly, whatever part you took, it took us all and most importantly the anointing from Jesus Christ to make this a success. As we tried to be a blessing to the people, we ended up receiving the blessing, feeding some 200 plus precious people . The day was capped off by a wonderful on fire spirited message from Pastor David Scott.

Please note the following schedule change for the winter months. With wintertime fast approaching, we feel that God is leading us to set new hours for the months of December through March. We feel these hours will better accommodate the people and still serve our ultimate purpose of making Christ available to the communities. The hours will be every Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 7 p.m. There will be no services Christmas week, which will be December 22nd, 23rd, and 24th to allow people to spend time with their families. Plans are to have a New Year’s Eve service and we will continue to have our youth nights along with our evangelistic services. Be sure and look for our new schedule in next weeks paper, on the website and on Facebook.

Words can not express how grateful we are to God for His blessings upon the Street Ministry and allowing us to be some small part of furthering the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

God bless you all,
Charlie Barbettini and the entire Taking It To The Streets Ministry Team

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