Evangelist Bob Burgess ( Robert Burgess ) from WV will be speaking at Taking It To The Streets Ministries on Friday night December 14th at 7 pm.
On Saturday December 15th at 3 pm we will be having our 9th Annual Big Christmas Celebration. This year in an effort to provide more age appropriate gifts we conducted pre-registration for children infant to 16. We are lookingforward to a wonderful afternoon with a huge turnout of 128 children signing up. Also the Clothing Bank will be open with Free Men’s, Women’s, Boys and Girls clothing and each person attending will receive a Treat Bag consisting of Sandwiches, Desserts, Apples and Oranges.
We will be live streaming the Friday night service at streets4god.com and we will also upload to YouTube for your viewing.
We look forward to seeing you at The Streets this weekend!