Evangelist Ralph Parker will be speaking at Taking It To The Streets Ministries on Friday April 5th at 7 pm. Brother Ralph will also be singing and he will be bringing Donnie Foutz to sing.
Pastor Brenda Clendenin from New Beginnings Church in Florence SC will be speaking Saturday April 6th at 7 pm. Doris Hagerman will be singing.
We’re looking forward to another awesome weekend and we’re praying for souls to be saved, the sick to be healed and the captive to be set free from bondage.
Make plans now to join us for both nights of these Dynamic Evangelistic Services. If you can’t be with us in person you can join us by live streaming at streets4god.com, on YouTube and FaceBook.
God bless you, we love you and we’re looking forward to seeing you at The Streets this weekend!