At The Streets This Weekend Thurs. June 12th – Sat. June 14th

Sister Barbara Kidd will be speaking Thursday June 12th at 7pm. Charity Richardson and Dreama Umberger will be singing.

Friday 13th is Youth Night at 7pm. Pastor Lydell Slaughter will be speaking. Mitch Akers will be singing. We will serve Snacks and Drinks after the service.

Rev. Marty Lewis ** Shofar Praise Ministry** will be speaking on Saturday 14th at 7pm. Mitch Akers and Charity Richardson will be singing.

Make plans now to attend all three nights of these Dynamic Evangelistic Services. As always you can come as you are and wear what you have. Come expecting a blessing.

We will be live streaming each service at and we will also upload to YouTube.

God bless you, we love you and we hope to see you at The Streets!

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What’s Going On At The Streets This Weekend Thurs. May 29th – Sat. May 31st

OH MY it’s gonna be a BIG weekend at The Streets!

Rev. Charles Farmer starts off speaking on Thursday May 29th at 7pm. Leslie Smith Sexton and Dreama Umberger will be singing.

Friday is Youth Night with Pastor Terry Eversole and the group **All Came As One** doing the service.  **All Came As One** is a brand new young group that is very anointed and talented. We are very excited about them being with us. After the service we will be serving Nachos and Drinks.

Teen Challenge Graduate Evangelist Dedrick Phillips will be speaking on Saturday 31st at 7pm. Leslie Smith Sexton and others will be singing.

NOTE: On Saturday morning from 9am till 11am we will be serving free Pancakes, Sausage, Juice and Drinks while supplies last on the street. Also free Clothing (Womens, Mens, Girls and Boys) will be given out. If it rains we will serve inside the building.

Make plans now to come out for all three Dynamic Evangelistic Services and also for the free Pancake Breakfast and free Clothing on Saturday morning out on the street.

Come as you are and wear what you have. Come expecting a blessing.

God bless you, we love you and we hope to see you at The Streets!

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At The Streets This Weekend Thurs. May 22nd – Sat. May 24th

Sister Brenda Branson will be speaking on Thursday May 22nd at 7pm. Jon Gray of **Front Line Gospel** will be doing the music.

Pastor Doug Duncan will be speaking on Friday 23rd at 7pm. Tommy Hodge and Jennifer Poston Duncan will be doing the music.

On Saturday at 7pm Dennis and Tammy Hayes of **Patchwork Turnaround** will be doing the service. Tammys father, Rev. Curtis Howell will be the quest speaker.

Gonna be another great weekend and we are praying for souls to be saved, healings to take place and for the captive to be set free!

Live streaming at and we will upload each service on YouTube.

Come as you are and wear what you have. Come expecting a blessing!

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Cancellation Due To Illness

**Gospel Recording Artist** Ron Brewer will not be in Concert Friday May 16th at The Streets due to Bronchitis and Pneumonia. We are very sorry that Brother Ron is sick and very disappointed that he won’t be able to sing. We pray that God will heal his body and give him a speedy and complete recovery.  We will reschedule Ron at a later date.

Rev. Mike Barnes from Lexington N.C. will be speaking at 7pm  for our Youth Night on Friday May 16th. This will be the first time that Brother Mike has been with us and we are very thankful to him for coming on such a short notice. We look forward to having Mike and  his wife at The Streets. We will have special music.

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At The Streets This Weekend Thurs. May 15th – Sat. May 17th

Pastor Harry Gunter will be speaking On Thursday May 15th at 7pm.  Dreama Umberger and others will be singing.

Friday is Youth Night with **Gospel Recording Artist** Ron Brewer in Concert at 7pm. We will serve Snacks and Drinks after the Concert.

On Saturday 16th at 7pm we’re outside in Jackson Park located on Commerce Street in downtown Pulaski next to the Post Office. Street Minister Charlie Barbettini will be speaking at 7pm. Marsha Marie Hodge and Leslie Smith Sexton will be singing. Bleachers are provided but you are welcome to bring a lounge chair. If it rains we will have the service inside at The Streets.

It’s going to be another great weekend and we hope that you can come and enjoy these great Dynamic Evangelistic Services with us. We will be live streaming Thursday and Friday nights but we won’t be able to live stream Saturdays service. We will upload all three services on YouTube.

Come as you are and wear what you have. Come expecting a blessing. God bless you, we love you and we hope to see you at The Streets this weekend!

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At The Streets This Weekend Thurs. May 8th – Sat. May 10th

Rev. Don Taylor will be speaking Thursday May 8th at 7pm. Jon Gray of Front Line Gospel will be doing the music.

Pastor Sherman Buckner will be speaking Friday 9th at 7pm. Katie Bryhanna and others will be singing.

On Saturday 10th at 7pm Mike Gray Ministries (Mike & Patty Gray) will be doing the entire service.

NOTE:  On Saturday from 10am until 2pm Taking It To The Streets will be giving free Clothes (Mens, Womens, Boys and Girls) and free Subs, Chips and Drinks while supplies last.

Come out and be with us for these Dynamic Evangelistic Services and for the fun, clothing, food and fellowship on Saturday from 10am – 2pm.

We will live stream each service at and we will also upload each service on YouTube.

God bless you, we love you and we hope to see you this weekend at The Streets!

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Three Dynamic Youth Nights Back To Back To Back At The Streets This Weekend Thurs. May 1st – Sat. May 3rd

It’s Youth Week at The Streets and OH MY what a huge weekend God has put together!

On Thursday May 1st at 7pm Pastor Joshua Spence from Atlanta Dream Center will be speaking.

Friday night May 2nd at 7pm Pastor David Scott from Abundant Life C.O.G. in Marion will be speaking.

Then on Saturday at 7pm Sister Bonita Hayes Illinois State Evangelist and Youth Director C.O.G In Christ will be speaking.

Singers include Mitch Akers, Leslie Smith Sexton, Marsha Marie Hodge, Dreama Umberger, Charity Richardson and others. It’s gonna be a weekend that you will definitely want to attend and experience the power of God. We will serve snacks and drinks each night.

Come as you are and wear what you have. Come expecting a blessing. The Youth are precious to us at The Streets and they are the church of today!

We will live stream each service at and we will also upload each service on YouTube.

God bless you, we love you and we hope to see you this weekend at The streets.


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May 2014 Flyer

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This Weekend At The Streets Thurs. April 24th – Sat. April 26th

Sister “Ginger” Virginia Riggins starts off the weekend speaking on Thursday April 24th at 7pm. Sister Ginger reminds us of Joyce Meyer and she is a wonderful speaker.

On Friday 25th and Saturday 26th at 7pm Rev. Charles Farmer will be speaking both nights. Oh my we always enjoy fired up Brother Farmer when he comes to speak.

Leslie Smith Sexton, Marsha Marie Hodge, Dreama Umberger and others will be singing throughout the weekend. Make plans now to come and experience what God is doing at The Streets in these dynamic Evangelistic Services. You can always come as you are and wear what you have. Come expecting a blessing.

All three nights will be streamed live at and will be uploaded to YouTube.

God bless you, we love you and we hope to see you this weekend at The Streets!

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At The Streets This Weekend Thrs. April 17th – Sat. April 19th

Brother Don Taylor will be speaking Thursday April 17th at 7pm. Marsha Marie Hodge, Leslie Smith Sexton and Dreama Umberger will be singing.

On Friday 18th we will be feeding the homeless at 5pm. Friday is Youth Night and we will be showing the movie Left Behind Part 2 at 7pm. We will be serving the same meal after the movie also.

Pastor Harry Gunter will be speaking on Saturday 19th at 7pm.  Leslie Smith Sexton, Marsha Marie Hodge and others will be singing.

We hope that you can come and be with us this weekend and enjoy these dynamic Evangelistic Services. Also we hope that you can come and be a part of serving the meal for our dear homeless friends. You can always come as you are and wear what you have at The Streets. Come expecting a blessing.

We will live be live streaming the the services Thursday and Saturday and on Friday we will live stream the service up until time to start the movie. You can also view the service on YouTube after it is uploaded.

The Street Team would like to wish everyone a Happy Easter and if God is not the Lord of your life what better time than now could you ask for to give your heart to Christ and let Him be the Lord of your life.

God bless you, we love you and we hope to see you at The Streets!

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