Who’s At The Streets This Weekend Thurs. April 10th – Sat. April 12th

Sister Debbie Carr will be speaking on Thursday April 10th at 7pm. Leslie Smith Sexton, Marsha Marie Hodge and Dreama Umberger will be singing.

On Friday 11th at 7pm Sister Judy Gregory will be speaking. We are hopping that Jerry Gregory will be able to sing.

Mike Gray Ministries will be doing the service on Saturday 12th at 7pm. Along With Brother Mike, a dear saint…95 yr old Sister Hazel Lawson will be speaking and sharing her testimony. Also Leslie Smith Sexton will be singing.

Oh My this is a great weekend coming up and is one that you will certainly not want to miss. Come as you are and wear what you have. Come expecting a blessing.

Although we will be live streaming the service at www.streets4god.com and uploading to YouTube there is nothing like being with us in person at The Streets.

God bless you, we love you and we’re looking forward to seeing you at The Streets!

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At The Streets This Weekend Thurs. April 3rd — Sat. April 5th

On Thursday April 3rd a great woman of God…Sister Barbara Kidd will be speaking. Marsha Marie Hodge and Dreama Umberger will be singing.

Friday 4th is Youth Night at 7pm with Fisher House Ministries from Doran Va. doing the entire service. Ryder and Amanda Richardson have a powerful ministry working with and providing help for youth and adults with alcohol and drug abuse problems. Young Zack Alderson will be doing the singing. We will be serving Hot Dogs, Chips, Cookies and Drinks after the service.

On Saturday 5th at 7pm young on fire…Teen Challenge Graduate Dedrick Phillips will be speaking. Tommy Hodge will be doing the singing.

We are very excited about this weekend and we are looking forward to a great move of God in each service. Make plans now to attend all three of these dynamic Evangelistic Services and see for yourself what God is doing at The Streets. As always you can come as you are and wear what you have. Come expecting a blessing.

All services will be streamed live at www.streets4god.com and you can also view the entire service on YouTube after it is uploaded.

God bless you, we love you and we hope to see you at The Streets!

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April 2014 Flyer

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Big Weekend At The Streets Thurs. Mar. 27th – Sat. Mar. 29th

Pastor Wayne Poston will be speaking Thursday March 27th at 7pm. Marsha Marie Hodge, Leslie Smith Sexton and Dreama Umberger will be singing.

Pastor Doug Duncan will be speaking BOTH Friday 28th and Saturday 29th at 7pm each night. Due to illness Pastor Alvin Trivette had to cancel and we will reschedule him to come speak at a later date. Doug’s wife Jennifer Poston Duncan will be doing the Praise & Worship both nights along with others singing also.

This is two highly anointed…on fire men of God that you will certainly want to come and hear. All the singing and the Praise & Worship will be great and we are praying for souls to be saved, the captive to be set free from bondage and healing for the sick.

Make plans now to come and be a part of these dynamic Evangelistic Services. At The Streets you can always come as you are and wear what you have. Come expecting a blessing.

We will be live streaming the services at www.streets4god.com and you can also view the entire service on YouTube after it is uploaded.

God bless, we love you and we’re praying for you. See you at The Streets!

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At The Streets This Weekend Thurs. Mar. 20th – Sat. Mar. 22nd

Rev. Don Taylor will be speaking on Thursday March 20th at 7pm and we will have special singing.

Rev. Charles Farmer will be speaking both Friday 21st and Saturday 22nd at 7pm each night. Friday is Youth Night and Brother Farmer will be bringing his Praise & Worship / Drama team with him. After the service on Youth Night we will serve Snacks and Drinks. We will have special singing on Saturday night.

Make plans now to come and be a part of what God is doing at The Streets. Come as you are and wear what you have. Come expecting a blessing.

Our internet is back up and running and we will be live streaming each service at www.streets4god.com. Also you can view the entire service on YouTube after it is uploaded.

God bless you, we love you and we hope to see you at The Streets!

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Big Weekend At The Streets Thurs. March 13th – Sat. March 15th **Two Gospel Recording Artists On Back To Back Nights**

This is the very first time that we’ve had two Gospel Recording Artists on back to back nights at The Streets.

First on Thursday March 13th at 7pm Street Minister Charlie Barbettini will be speaking. Mike Gray Ministries will be singing.

Then on Friday March 14th at 7pm Gospel Recording Artist Michael Wayne Smith will be in concert. Michael has been with us several times and his concerts are always highly anointed and each time we have experienced a great move of God.

On Saturday March 15th at 7pm Gospel Recording Artists Jason and Kristi Burton will be in concert. This is the first time that we’ve had Jason and Kristi with us and we are looking forward to it and are praying for a great move of God in this concert as well.

Oh my what a great weekend it is going to be!  Both Praise and Worship concerts will be fantastic with each Artist bringing God’s Word in a very special way! As always there is never an admission charge for any concert at The Streets. We will take up a love offering for each Artist.

Make plans now to come all three nights to these dynamic Evangelistic Services. Come as you are and wear what you have. Come expecting a blessing.

Each service will be streamed live at www.streets4god.com and you can also view the entire service on YouTube after it is uploaded.

God bless you, we love you and we hope to see you at The Streets this weekend!

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What’s Going On At The Streets This Weekend Thurs. Mar. 6th – Sat. March 8th

Well this year is rolling along at an extremely fast pace.  God continues to move at The Streets in a mighty big way. Since the beginning of the year we have experienced 16 salvations and we give God ALL the praise and glory for what He is doing at The Streets!

Rev. Randy Pickett will be speaking on Thursday March 6th at 7pm. Leslie Smith Sexton and Dreama Umberger will be singing.

Pastor Sherman Buckner will be speaking both Friday 7th and Saturday 8th at 7pm each night. Eighteen year old Katie Bryhanna will be singing on Friday which is Youth Night.  We will serve Snacks and Drinks after the service. Marsha Hodge will be singing on Saturday.

This is two great men of God that you will not want to miss. We’re praying that God will bring salvation to the lost, heal the sick and set the captive free. You can always come as you are and wear what you have . Come expecting a blessing.

You can also join us by live streaming at www.streets4god.com. Also you can view the entire service on YouTube after it is uploaded.

God bless you, we love you and we hope to see you at The Streets!

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March 2014 Flyer

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It’s Ladies Week At The Streets This Weekend Thurs. Feb. 27th – Sat. March 1st

Ladies Week is always a great time at The Streets and God has sent us three great speakers!

First on Thursday Feb. 27th at 7pm Sister Debbie Carr will be speaking. Dianne D Draper and Charlie Barbettini will be singing.

On Friday Feb. 28th at 7pm Sister Barbara Kidd will be speaking.  Ginger Riggins and Lum Dalton will be singing.

Sister Ginger Riggins will be speaking on Saturday March 1st at 7pm. Leslie Smith Sexton, Marsha Marie Hodge and Dreama Umberger will be singing. Also Ginger may be bringing some singers with her.

These are three powerful speakers that you won’t want to miss.  Come out and worship with us all three nights and enjoy these dynamic Evangelistic Services.

We will be live streaming these services at www.streets4god.com and you can also view the entire service on YouTube once it is uploaded.

You can always come as you are and wear what you have. Come expecting a blessing. God bless you and we hope to see you at The Streets.

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What’s Up This Weekend At The Streets Thurs. Feb. 20th – Sat. Feb. 22nd

Oh my my my what a great weekend God has put together at The Streets!

First…on Thursday Feb. 20th Pastor David Scott will be speaking at 7pm. Brother David will be bringing singers with him and Marsha Marie Hodge will be singing the powerful song **Changed**. Brother David is a powerful speaker and highly anointed man of God.

Pastor Doug Duncan another powerful speaker and highly anointed man of God will be speaking both Friday 21st  and Saturday 22nd at 7pm each night. Jon Gray of **Front Line Gospel** and Melissa Duncan Pifer will be singing Friday night.  Friday is Youth Night and we will be serving Snacks and Drinks after the service. On Saturday night Tommy Hodge and Randall Johnson will be singing.

Well I’ve just got a strong feeling that after we had to cancel all three services last weekend due to the weather that God is going to move in a mighty and powerful way and that He is going to give us services like the days of old!

Most definitely you will not want to miss any of these services. You can always come as you are and wear what you have. Come expecting a blessing.

We will be live streaming the services at www.streets4god.com and you can also view the entire service on YouTube after it is uploaded.

The weather is going to be warmer with a much needed break from the cold and snow so we hope that you will be able to come join us for worship and see for yourself what God is doing in these dynamic Evangelistic Services.

God bless you and we hope to see you this weekend at The Streets!


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