At The Streets This Weekend Thurs. Feb. 14th – Sat. 16th

Taking It To The Streets welcomes Rev. Dwight Haynes Chalk- Art Ministry Thursday 14th at 7pm.  It’s been a good while since Brother Haynes has been with us an we are looking forward to his visit.  Brother Haynes is very gifted and anointed and it is a blessing to see him draw his message as he preaches.

Friday 15th at 7pm is Youth Night with Brother David Simpkins speaking.  Rev. Paul Robertson and All For Jesus Ministry will be doing the music.  Brother David has a powerful testimony and does a great job speaking.  Free Pizza and Drinks will be served after the service.

On Saturday 16th at 7pm our dear friend Pastor Harry Gunter will be speaking.  Brother Harry is an on fire- spirit filled Baptist Minister and we always enjoy him speaking at The Streets.

All services will be streamed live at  Make plans now to come worship with us.  Come as you are and wear what you have.  Come expecting a blessing.

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At The Streets This Weekend Thurs. Feb. 7th – Sat. 9th

Evangelist Chad Jones will be speaking all three nights at 7pm Thursday Feb. 7th through Saturday 9th.  Brother Chad is an on fire Evangelist and we are looking forward to having Brother Chad speaking this weekend at The Streets.  We will have special music each night.

We hope that you all can come be with us and enjoy these Evangelistic Services. We will be live streaming each service on Come as you are and wear what you have.  Come expecting a blessing.

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Service Cancelled Sat. Feb. 2nd

Due to the weather the service for 7pm tonight (Sat. Feb. 2nd) at Taking It To The Streets is cancelled.  We are very sorry to have to cancel this service. God bless you all.

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Praise God! We’re Back On The Internet Streaming Live

We want to thank our technician,dear friend and Brother in Christ Jitendra Shrestha for all the hard work he has done to get our live streaming back on the air.  Also thanks to our faithful viewers for your understanding through this endeavor.  We thank God for allowing us to have this internet service that reaches live worldwide as a means of proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The last two nights have been great with Sister Virginia (Ginger) Riggins speaking.  Local Gideons Wayne Johnson and Gary Hylton also did a great job speaking and distributing the Free Bibles last night.  To make the night complete a young lady with no place to live at all gave her heart back to Jesus Christ.  Then one of the ladys from our Ministry took her home with her.

Tonight (Sat. Feb.2nd)  at 7pm Evan. Chad Jones will be speaking.  Rev. Charles Farmer was scheduled to preach but living in West Virginia and snowed in he had to cancel. Come worship with us and enjoy these Evangelistic Services.  We will be live streaming at  Come as you are and wear what you have and come expecting a blessing.

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Internet Live Streaming Still Down

We are very sorry but the internet is still down.  We hope that our new equipment arrives very soon.  Thank you all for your understanding.

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This Weekend At The Streets Thurs. Jan. 31st – Sat. Feb. 2nd

Sister Virginia (Ginger) Riggins will be speaking both Thurs. Jan. 31st and Fri. Feb. 1st at 7pm each night. Friday is Youth Night and the local Gideons will be with us distributing free Bibles.  After the service we will be serving Free Snacks and Drinks.  On Sat. Feb. 2nd at 7pm Rev. Charles Farmer will be speaking.

We will be receiving our new equipment very soon and hopefully this will correct the problem of having our live streaming go down several times during each broadcast. Until our equipment arrives we will attempt to live stream at  We want to thank everyone for being so patient with us as we work to correct this problem.

We hope that the weather will not force us to cancel any of these services.  Should we have to cancel we will always put the information on our Website, our Facebook page or you can call 276-6204293 for information.  Come out and enjoy these Evangelistic Services with us and come expecting a blessing.  God bless you all and we hope to see you at The Streets.

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February Schedule

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At The Streets Thurs. Jan. 24th – Sat. Jan. 26th

OH MY if you like fire and brimstone preaching the old time way we’ve got it this weekend.  At 7pm on Friday 24th and Saturday 25th Rev. Charles Farmer will be bringing the message.  Brother Farmer is a carbon copy of the late R.W. Shambauch and we are very anxious for the services to begin.

On Saturday at 7pm we will be having a **Special Singing**.  Tommy Hodge, Mike Gray Ministries, Front Line Gospel, Soul Winners and others will be singing.  This will be a night of beautiful spirited singing that will truly bless your heart as we worship our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

We continue to have problems with our live streaming shutting down and causing us to have to re-boot several times during a broadcast. We are in the process of purchasing new equipment so please bear with us as we work to get this accomplished.

We are located at 223 N. Washington Ave. in Pulaski Va.  We will be attempting to live stream each service at  Should the weather be bad please check our Website, our Facebook page or call 276-6204293 to see if the service will be cancelled.

We hope that you can come all three nights for these Evangelistic Services and our **Special Singing**.  As always at The Streets you can come as you are and wear what you have.  Come expecting a blessing.


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Service Cancelled For Thursday Jan. 17th

Due to bad weather tonight’s service (Thursday Jan. 17th) at Taking It To The Streets in Pulaski Va will be cancelled.  Services are scheduled to continue at 7pm on Friday Jan. 18th and Sat. Jan. 19th. God bless you all and we hope to see you Friday and Saturday.

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Big Weekend At The Streets Thurs. Jan. 17th – Sat. 19th

Taking It To The Streets welcomes Wilderness Road PH Church from Wytheville Va to do all three services plus the local Gideons Ministry will be distributing free Bibles on Friday night.

On Thursday at 7pm Brother Wallace Williams will be bringing the message.  Friday 18th at 7pm is Youth Night.  Pastor Tammy Porter will be speaking.  The local Gideons Ministry will be distributing free Bibles at the start of the service.  Snacks and Drinks will be served after the service.  Then on Saturday 19th at 7pm Pastor Todd Porter will be speaking.

Wilderness Road PH is on fire for Jesus Christ and they are growing at a rapid pace.  Currently they have two services on Sunday morning and are in the process of building a new church. You won’t want to miss these three dynamic speakers!

If the weather is bad please check our website at, our Facebook page at Taking It To The Streets or you can call 276-6204293 to see if services are cancelled.

All services will be streamed live at We are located at 223 N. Washington Ave in Pulaski Va.  Come as you are and wear what you have.  Come expecting a blessing.


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