At The Streets Thurs. Jan. 10th – Sat. Jan. 12th

Well its hard to believe another week has already gone by. Sisters Judy Gregory and Ginger Riggins both did awesome jobs last week and many needs were met.

This week Evan. Jay Whitlock  will be speaking both Thursday Jan. 10th and Friday 11th at 7pm.  Then on Saturday Pastor Harry Gunter will be speaking at 7pm.  Come and enjoy these Evangelistic Services and let God meet the needs in your life.  Come expecting a blessing and as always come as you are and wear what you have.

Taking It To The Streets is located at 223 N. Washington Ave. in Pulaski Va.  All services will be streamed live at  God bless you and we hope to see you at The Streets.

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This Weekend At The Streets Thurs. Jan. 3rd – Sat. Jan. 5th

Evangelist Judy Gregory starts the weekend off  speaking Thursday Jan. 3rd at 7pm.  Then Sister Virginia (Ginger) Riggins will be speaking both Friday 4th and Saturday 5th at 7pm each night.  Friday is Youth Night with Free Snacks and Drinks being served after the service.

Both speakers are very anointed ministers of God and we are looking forward to them coming to The Streets.  Come be with us all three nights and come expecting a blessing.  Each service will be streamed live at

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January Flyer

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At The Streets This Weekend Thurs. 27th – Sat. 29th

Evangelist Sherman Buckner will be speaking all three nights this weekend at 7pm Thursday 27th through Saturday 29th.  OH MY we are so very excited about having Brother Sherman with us for all three nights.  This will be some great Evangelistic Services!  We will have special singing each night.  Each service will be live streamed at

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Its Christmas At The Streets Thurs. 20th – Sat. 21st

Rev. Don Taylor will be speaking Thursday 20th at 7pm.  Friday 21st at 7pm is Youth Night with Pastor Mike Ingo presenting the Christmas Shepherd.  This will be our 3rd annual event with Brother Mike and we are very excited about it.  After the service we will have snacks for everyone and Christmas Gifts for children up to age 16.  On Saturday 22nd at 7pm Street Minister Charlie Barbettini will be speaking.

This is a very special time of year as we celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ.  Please bring your children to the Christmas service on Friday and enjoy this special night with us.

All services will be streamed live at  Come as you are and wear what you have.  Come expecting a blessing.



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At The Streets Thurs. 13th – Sat. 15th

Brother Charles Farmer will be speaking at 7pm Thursday 13th and Friday 14th.  Evangelist Chad Jones will be speaking at 7pm on Saturday 15th. We will have special singing on Thursday and Friday. On Saturday Mike Gray Ministries will be singing.

Come out and be with us for these Evangelistic Services.  We will live stream each service on  God bless you all and we hope to see you at The Streets!

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This Weekend At The Streets Thurs. Dec. 6th – Sat. 8th

Taking It To The Streets welcomes Evan. Jay Whitlock Thursday Dec. 6th at 7pm. It’s been a while since Brother Jay has been with us and we’re very excited to have him coming to speak.

Friday 7th at 7pm  is Youth Night.  Rev. Paul Robertson **All For Jesus Ministries** will be doing the service.  Brother Paul is a fantastic speaker and he and his group are greatly anointed.  After the service we will be serving Free Pizza and Drinks.

Saturday 8th at 7pm Pastor Harry Gunter will be speaking.  Brother Harry is an on fire man of God and spends a lot of time with us at The Streets.  All services will be streamed live at  We hope that you can join us for theses evangelistic services.  Come as you are and wear what you have.  Come expecting a blessing.

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Taking It To The Streets December Flyer

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It Was A Wonderful Weekend At The Streets

God gave us three great services at The Streets!  Thursday and Friday Brother Charles Farmer was on fire preaching and the singing was awesome both nights.

On Saturday night the Gospel Singing Group **Brothers Forever**  were with us.  They did a marvelous job and Brother Farmer never got to preach.  The Holy Ghost took over the service and need after need was met!  I have a feeling that Brothers Forever will be with us some on our Bus Ministry! We give all the praise and glory to Jesus Christ for such a glorious weekend.

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Rev. Charles Farmer and Gospel Singing Group *Brothers Forever* at The Streets together this weekend!

What a time its going to be!  Hard preaching Rev. Charles Farmer will be speaking all three nights this weekend Thurs. Nov. 29th – Sat. Dec. 1st at 7pm each night.  Brother Farmer holds nothing back and preaches like the days of old!

Then on Sat. Dec. 1st Gospel Singing Group *Brothers Forever* will be teaming up with Brother Farmer to bring the word of God through music and word. Brothers Forever were with us just a couple months ago and were FANTASTIC.  They are going through the area so God brought them back to The Streets again.

This is absolutely a weekend that you will not want to miss!  All services will be streamed live at  If it is at all possible for you to come then we highly encourage you to come out for all three nights of these dynamic Evangelistic Services.  Come as you are and wear what you have. Come EXPECTING a blessing!

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